Brixton goes back to the 1980s for retro film set in Valentia Place

Brixton goes back to the 1980s for retro film set in Valentia Place

There’s some filming currently taking place in Valentia Place (off Coldharbour Lane) in central Brixton. I did a double take when I saw these mid-1980s police cars!

Brixton goes back to the 1980s for retro film set in Valentia Place

The Angel pub on the corner had been covered with not-entirely-accurate vintage-style posters from the 1980s.

Brixton goes back to the 1980s for retro film set in Valentia Place

Love these old police cars!

Brixton goes back to the 1980s for retro film set in Valentia Place

Always good to see a ‘Defend the NUM’ poster! Note the Fridge poster behind.

Brixton goes back to the 1980s for retro film set in Valentia Place

Scene on Valentia Place.

Brixton goes back to the 1980s for retro film set in Valentia Place

Ford Cortina parked up. The filming was taking place under the arches.

Brixton goes back to the 1980s for retro film set in Valentia Place

‘Dumpy’s Rusty Nuts & Bolts’? What?! Cheeks looks great, mind. 🙂

Brixton goes back to the 1980s for retro film set in Valentia Place

Another view of the vintage police car.

Brixton goes back to the 1980s for retro film set in Valentia Place

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