Happy New Year!

It’s taken a while for me to get this post up on account of an Everest-sized hangover after a wild night seeing in the New Year.

The quaffing started in earnest at the flat and then continued up the Brixton Windmill where we got down to a New Year’s Eve PROD special

New Year's Eve party at PROD, Brixton Windmill, London

A huge throng of lively Urbanites were in attendance, with the urban massive completely taking over the back room and heartily getting into the spirit of things. I think I got a little ‘over-excited’ and talked a complete load of bollocks to anyone who would listen, but I suspect several others were in a similar state.

New Year's Eve party at PROD, Brixton Windmill, London

After PROD, we headed off to an all nighter run by the Unsound system at Bar Lorca.

I don’t recall an awful lot, but we stayed until 7am and had some fun.

New Year's Eve party at PROD, Brixton Windmill, London

Of course, today was payback time. I’ve felt like shit all day and – for the first time in memory – stayed in on a Saturday night. I simply couldn’t face the prospect of drinking till…well, at least tomorrow.

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