How to make your bike sound like a horse, GPS shoes and a crisp man balloonist

How to make your bike sound like a horse, GPS shoes and crisp man balloonists

I’m not going to get any work done today as I keep getting distracted by seeing fabulous, brilliantly clever and funny creations online.

Brit artist creates a pair of wonderful GPS-enabled shoes to guide you to your destination

I wrote about the fantastic GPS shoes on my tech site Wirefresh earlier, but then I got distracted looking at some of the other wonderful creations by the artist who made them, Dominic Wilcox.

Yo can see all his videos here, but here’s two of my faves:

Then I found myself being drawn into a video showing how you could make your bike sound like a horse. And it was every bit as good as it sounds.

Yes, you actually buy this thing too, for just £19.99 – more info here

I’m not going to get anything done today…

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