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A trip up the BT Tower

Spun out!

There’s no question about it- it was worth enduring the swivel-action presentation for the ride to the top of the BT Tower!

I’ve wanted to go up there for years – ever since I was a kid, in fact – and to experience the floor rotating was an unexpected treat (apparently, they don’t get the thing revved up that often).

Even better, there was a top freebie in the giveaway pack at the end of the presentation – a 128 meg USB memory stick! Respect!

Next stop was a quick coffee in the Photographers Gallery before walking to Waterloo and Southwark to take some commissioned panoramas in the f-f-freezing cold (it even speckled with snow for a few minutes, but – sadly – there were no big snowdrifts coming my way)

I used my ‘big’ camera (the Sony F717) to take six separate panoramas (each one one is comprised of about 15 shots, photographed in a big circle) but found the man sized zoom lens and ‘tech’ silver finish attracted far more attention than the pocket sized FX77 camera I normally use.

That last thing you want to do is to start catching people’s eyes when you’re swivelling around taking panoramas, so my next camera will definitely be smaller. And black!

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