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Coffee in the Lounge Brixton

Coffee in the Lounge

I’m currently relaxing on the deep leather sofa in The Lounge and giving this mo:Blog Palm blogging software its first ‘road test’.

So far, its looking like the best Palm blogging tool I’ve tried yet, although it’s not without its quirks (thankfully, the author seems open to new ideas on how to improve the program – and I’ve been pestering him with my ideas already!).

To add pictures to my blog, I’m using the built in camera on my Sony NX70V palm pilot to grab the shots, tweaking the exposure using Resco viewer and then uploading the image to my server using the freeware ezFTP client.

It’s all a bit fiddly,

And here’s an idle reflection: up until now I was against the banning of smoking in public places. However, after enduring a face-full of Woodbines for the past 10 minutes I’m not so sure!

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