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A drink at the American bar

King of the hangovers!

That’s how my head feels today after some industrial strength quaffing last night. First stop was the New Statesman New Media Awards which were, frankly, a little dull. Then my chum Dave Wilby (editor of Internet Magazine) suggested we check out the nearby American Bar in the super-posh Savoy on the Strand. I was convinced that a scruffy oik like me wouldn’t get past the doorman, but we had no problems getting in. The bar was opened in the late 1890s and ‘Dry Martini’ and ‘White Lady’ drinks were invented there in the 1920s. In the bar, Maurice the a pianist crooned away, but turned out to be a cheeky scamp with a great sense of humour. As soon as he saw us he broke into a lounge version of ‘Anarchy in the UK’!

Several phenomenally fab cocktails later, we were suitably hammered, but sadly, much lighter of pocket.

See how Dave’s getting on with his hangover on the Internet Mag webcam

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