Saturday 11th June 2016: QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY!
The Hope
3 Melon Road
Peckham, SE15 5QW [map]
Tel: 020 7701 1113
8pm-1am - FREE all night
Facebook event
This camp special in tribute to Her Maj The Queen - and all other queens - featured Offline DJs Jizzy Rascal and Editor on the record machine.
There was a night of fur-lined, tiara-throwing, bra-waving, Y-front-displacing party bangers, including sweaty 70s disco, Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, Freddie Mercury, Beyonc�, Mrs Mills and even a bouquet of Liberace casually tossed on to the dancefloor.
[Additional photos: Viola Spanu]
The gin powerhouse will be serving up a wonderful mix of retro, punk, hip-hop, dance and even a bit of Dolly Parton. Hell yes!
EDITOR (urban75)
Expect a hearty, ale-fuelled onslaught of ska, punk, rock'n'roll, big band, rockabilly, Mrs Mills and Liberace in a floor stomping package.
Videos and photo slideshows of street photography, random amusements and weird shizzle from the internet.
The Albert is less than two minutes walk from Brixton station and a few minutes from the Brixton Academy.
Turn left out of the tube station, take the second left down Coldharbour Lane (by the KFC), go past the Prince of Wales and it's the next pub on your left.
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